2013 – DNA-eXplained in Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepare annual reports for blogs.  I really like this service, and here’s a summary of what it said.

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year.  This blog was viewed about 460,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 20 days for that many people to see it.

In 2013, there were 147 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 241 posts. There were 688 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 268 MB. That’s about 2 pictures per day.

The busiest day of the year was October 1st with 3,681 views. The most popular post that day was Mexican Women’s Mitochondrial DNA Primarily Native American.

These are the posts that received the most views in 2013.

People from 192 countries all over the world joined you in viewing www.dna-explained.com.

2013 blog reach

I started this blog in June 2012, so 2013 was the first complete year.  In 2013, I posted 94 articles and the blog received about 86,000 views, which would translate to about 172,000 on an annualized basis.

These numbers don’t include people who read the blog via RSS feeds or though e-mails.  They would account for another half a million or so a year.

In 2013, I added 147 new articles for a total of 241, and there were 460,000 views, which, on an annual basis, increased 267%.  Between these views and the e-mail and RSS subscriptions, we’re looking at about a million viewers in 2013.  Not bad for a topic I wasn’t sure would be popular!

Thank you one and all.  I know we’re going to have a stellar 2014 together!



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Thank you so much.

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18 thoughts on “2013 – DNA-eXplained in Review

  1. Great job cuz your cooking with gas! I look forward to reading your blog and am so proud to be able to say we are family! 2014 looks to be, for me at least, a year of new discoveries.

  2. As a newcomer to standard genealogy and now genetic genealogy reading your blogs has increased my knowledge awesomely. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  3. You´re doing a really great job there Roberta. Your writing helped a lot improving my knowledge about genealogy. Thank you so much.

  4. Greeting for the New Year! Reviewing your listed links, can I assume, you maybe connected to the Lumbee River Native Americans? This is the group I believe my husband is also via family research regarding family names and also those located in family locality. IN/OH/MI. I love your articles, knowledge and research; assisting us/we with the understanding of DNA results and the Native American links of history. I appreciate the links to your past blogs/articles today, that I was not familiar with prior. Do a great job and service with you blog and articles. Warm regards Ghita

    Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 16:55:10 +0000 To: darryldj@hotmail.com

  5. Thank you so much! You appear to have bridged many huge gaps with this blog! I wish you good health, happiness, and continued prosperity and success in 2014. Hope you can keep on doing what you are doing far into the future.

  6. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from reading your blog. I get it by email which is perfect! Thanks Roberta for a job well done, and I look forward to 2014 with you.

  7. Congratulations. Glad you have this blog and are so willing to share information with us all. Happy New Year!

  8. Dear Roberta,

    Happy New Year and thank you for your writings! I hope that you’ll continue to share with us what you know and observe… if only I understood one-tenth of what you write. Alas, my brain power is getting punier, rather than stronger.

    I have one small, impertinent request of you: Would you consider being one of the few to resist using the word ‘growing’ when what is meant is ‘increasing’ or ‘building’ or even ‘swelling’ or ‘expanding’? I realize that most everyone uses it that way nowadays, but I remember the not so distant past when ‘growing’ was reserved for crops and children and midsections. (Of the three, I’m well-acquainted with the latter!)

    Whether you do or you don’t, will or won’t, I’ll always look forward to reading your offerings.

    May your thoughts expand and your fingers fly in the New Year, and may all you hold dear be well.

    Best wishes,

    Nina Strange

    Littleton, CO


  9. When you post onto the DNAeXplained page it shows various photos at the top. The 3rd photo from the left looks just like me in 6th grade in the 1950’s. I wondered how to contact someone to know if these were just random photos of someone or someone sent them to this Web? If so, is there anyway to connect with that person?

    My other question is what is the best type of mtDNA research to better determine ethnicity? I now have HVR2. My mom’s side of the family has been in the US since mid 1660’s. I can only go back a few years on my dad’s side as a grandfather was adopted. Don’t know how to find out any information on him as anyone who would know is deceased.

    Thank you, Deborah Hulett

    • You mention that the grandfather was adopted. Any possibility you know of a female sibling? If not, then in terms of ethnicity the best you can do is to autosomal and Y test his children if there are any surviving and you’ll only get a partial snapshot from that.

  10. A great accomplishment Roberta! Your Blog is a great resource and especially helpful to adoptees who have decided to include genetic genealogy as another search tool.

  11. Pingback: DNAeXplain Archives – Historical or Obsolete Articles | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy

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