The Genealogy Show and Panel Discussion

The Genealogy Show is taking place this week, today and tomorrow, with lots of speakers from around the world. You can register, here.

While this year’s event is not in person, the good news is that the conference is virtual and the sessions are available for 30 days.

I’d like to invite you to view a panel discussion with me and my friends, Jonny Perl (DNAPainter), Michelle Leonard (Genes and Genealogy) and Mags Gaulden (Grandma’s Genes and mitoYDNA).

We are chatting about genealogy tips and our favorite tools and strategies for beginner, intermediate and advanced genealogists. Think of sitting around a table in the pub with us, or beside a fireplace, if you prefer. Our different approaches are quite interesting.

One of the great things about Zoom-type meetings is that you’re visiting with people in their own home environment. It’s like sitting down beside them and not nearly as sterile as a stage and microphone at a traditional conference.

I’m so very fortunate to have met these lovely people in person, across the years, at various genealogy events and I hope to see them again, maybe next year, in person. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, I hope we’re all enjoying these virtual events. Take a look.



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4 thoughts on “The Genealogy Show and Panel Discussion

  1. Thanks for telling us more than the website does. (Before you click to buy a ticket.)
    Following the “more information” button provides no more.
    I don’t know how the organizers expect to attract custom when they just make vague promises.
    Without promotion by people we trust, like your good self, they just look like scammers.

  2. Dear Roberta. Thank you so much for identifying this conference. I think I had never heard of it before. Certainly not this iteration. I enrolled and had a jolly good time. There were many (European) speakers that I had never heard of. Bringing new perspectives (and pronunciations). I enjoyed it very much. And the price was incredibly low.

    And I am still watching until the thirty days expires. Thanks again.

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