RockStars Shine at Midnight

Open till midnight

When John Reid, of Anglo-Celtic Connections sent me an e-mail telling me he was posting the results of the Rockstar Genealogist voting at midnight, you know I had to stay up waiting.

Yes, he did give me a bit of a hint…but not a big hint…and I was dying to see.

Drum roll please….

My friend Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist, is so far scooping the voting.  And if anyone deserves to do so, she does.  Not only is she a personal friend, I would take advantage of any opportunity to hear her speak, on literally any topic.  She could make growing mushrooms in the outback interesting.  By the time she was done with the topic, you’d know all about the history and legalities of growing and selling mushrooms, find them utterly fascinating, and you would want to start growing mushrooms too.

We really are extremely fortunate to have Judy, and her wonderful blog in our community.  I still have no idea how she manages to travel, speak and post daily articles.  The woman is super-human.  Truly.  I think Judy has the EveryReady Bunny genetic mutation which might explain her signature pink jacket.

Judy received the silver medal in International, silver in the USA and bronze in the Genetic Genealogy category.  A three category winner!  Triple crown!

There are lots of other noteworthy people as well.  Everyone knows Dick Eastman who I think has the longest running online newsletter in genealogy.  He’s the CNN of genealogy – if you want to know what’s going on, visit Dick’s website or better yet, sign up for his free newsletter.

And Thomas MacEntee – who doesn’t know and love his blogs, although he’s on sabbatical right now and making some major life changes.  I take this win for Thomas as a vote of confidence for him as well – and I’m sure he will too.

I love these categories, because now when I need someone in say, Ireland, or England, I’ll have a handy-dandy list of who to turn to.  And I have a few new sites to check out too.  What fun.  And I already know they are great – because you’ve all told me so by voting for them.

Congratulations to all of the candidates and the winners!

What about me you ask?  Well, ahem, yes, I’m on the list too – in the best of company – right with Judy Russell in two categories.  Judy and I are doing a dance of sorts.  I received silver in Genetic Genealogy, and shocker of all, bronze in the US.  I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see Genetic Genealogy be recognized as a full-fledged citizen along with the more traditional genealogy methodologies.

I started this blog in 2012 in an effort to help people learn, and to reduce the number of questions that arrive daily.  Well, I know, based on your votes that I’ve accomplished at least the first item.  I’m very humbled and a little embarrassed.  Thank you so very much.  It’s really very nice to know you’re making a difference.

Wait…you want to know who came in first?  Well, me too….but we’re all going to have to wait until midnight Monday when John publishes that list!!!  Beats the heck out of turning into a pumpkin.  Meet you tomorrow at Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connection at the witching hour!




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9 thoughts on “RockStars Shine at Midnight

  1. I, too, voted for Roberta Estes, Judy Russell and Dick Eastman. I have followed Dick from the very start. It was hard to choose. I voted for CeeCee Moore, as she has done so much for the adopted community. There were some I had never heard of, so I could not cast a vote for someone who’s work I am not familiar with. But, the list gave me a point to start at to see what the others have to say. I voted for Roberta, not because I have known her and am sort of related, I voted for her because without her blog, I would be floundering right now. And my childrens past would still be empty in my tree without her and others that I found on message boards and MyFamily many years ago. I think you all are WINNERS! Because you take time out of your own lives to be a help to others!

  2. Congratulations. I did try the Mayor Daly trick, but I guess it recognized my ISP or whatever and wouldn’tlet me.Howard

  3. Hi I did already dna test 23andme my self (male) and my mom if I purchase ftdna ydna do I get different resultsThanks

    Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  4. Happy to say I voted for you and always read your blogs. Waiting to see who number one is and I bet you have some idea of who it might be. I also voted for CeCe Moore. What do you receive for this recognition? Do you get a certificate or a medal or is there a dinner for the winners?

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